

SONGSOPTOK: Do you think literature is really essential in our life? If so why? In your opinion, what is the true relationship between life and literature? What is your own experience? And how does this relationship relate to the general history of mankind?

THADDEUS: Literature is very essential in our lives, it brings up our best human attributes, makes  of us humans who crossed new thresholds and levels, making us ready for the next challenges, especially the ones as characterized by rapid development of technology and  Internet, including the AI developments, and future artificial robotics that might outsmart humans in various fields. Literature makes us ready for all the challenges of the future while at the same time holds the bonds with the past and all the achievements of the humanity. Thanks to literature we know more, our lives are more subtle and we are understanding much more than it would be the case without literature. In my view literature is simply the God Particle, especially poetry. My own experience with literature is quite various, from classical literature beginning with Shakespeare, Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Slowacki to Edgar Allan Poe, to so many great writers of the present times of all specter, even American thriller writers as John Grisham, Richard North Patterson and others, to so many great poets that I see every day on the various pages and in the poetic groups of Facebook. Finally, I see the general history of mankind on some levels that will be highly dependent of each other, not only technological and AI development levels but also the literary and artistic levels, complimentary to each other. There won’t be a civilizational development without the lack of either of them, both are most essential.

SONGSOPTOK: We would like to know the beginning of the story, i.e. how your upbringing contributed to your own writing. Who were your favorite literary figures during the early period of your life? How they have paved your early routes in literature?

THADDEUS: As I have already mentioned earlier my first literary figures were classical ones and also those from the romanticism era, beginning with William Shakespeare, Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Slowacki to Edgar Allan Poe in the twentieth century. My upbringing was rather tragic, having been born in a communist country, Poland.  Born in mountainous Rajcza, Poland. I spent my childhood and teenage years there studying and I also participated in the “Solidarity movement” against the communist regime.

Emigrating to New Zealand when Poland was still in the Soviet thaw I became a citizen within five years, living in the capital city Wellington, often called “Windy Wellington”.  Afterwards I travelled worldwide, I have been to amongst other places China, though I finally settled down in Belgium. The USA had always been my intended final destination after my departure from Poland. America, especially New York City with its Statue of Liberty still remain my dream. The freedoms cherished by America are an unstoppable trend that I am fully behind, wishing the same to all individuals across the world, freedom, human rights and love. In the meantime I am feeling quite comfortable living in the European Union, a great project of all Europeans which came true. So … all these life events I have experienced have certainly paved both my early and later routes in literature. I have written adventurous books in Polish and quite a lot poems in English.

SONGSOPTOK:  Do you think that literature also bridges the human world with the Mother Nature? As well as with the present time of our surroundings?

THADDEUS: Yes, I think so. Although there are cases in the literary world that are contradictive to the Mother Nature, some authors questioning the fact that there is the global warming and that we need to stay united in our fight for not allowing further degradation in climate change and global warming. Fortunately most authors are seeing these matters in the right perceptive and are adding their voice in their literary works. Otherwise the present literature is most various, much more than ever before, from purely literary writings to thrillers, horrors, adventure books. In my view literature is keeping in touch with all events there are in life and in the world.

SONGSOPTOK: What are the main events that you think are the major issues that have influenced present day literature?

THADDEUS: In my view the main events are the rise of the social media as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter  and other social medias as well as the possibility for every author to publish his/her literary works privately via Createspace, Amazon and many other platforms. Before was it possible only via established publishing houses and not everybody had the chance.

SONGSOPTOK:  Do you think in this age of information and technology the dimensions of literature has largely been extended beyond our preconceived ideas about literature in general? Now in this changing scenario we would like to know from your own life experiences as a poet, writer and a creative soul; how do you respond to this present time

THADDEUS: The reality is decisively changed, whether we like it or not. Before the reality was based mainly on religion and its dogma. Now not any longer in most parts of the world. It does not mean that people went away from their religions, on the contrary, but the religion became just one of the ingredients of the reality and not just the only one as before. So, I do try to follow all the innovative thoughts of the present time, all the AI developments, all the research that happens in the world, inclusive the research into the laws of physics, whether the Einstein’s theory of Relativity or the Quantum  Theory, both in the Universe as on earth and in the smallest fields of quantum, the boson particles and so on. Knowing it all may definitely determine the qualities of life of future individuals, perhaps to the degree we see as sort of magic. In my vision perhaps there will be though unbelievable chances for future human beings, assuming things will go the right direction. People will be able to strip themselves of their bodies ( look at it as at clothes ) and will get into higher dimensions of the consciousness only, or soul of our own making in other words, and then back into the clothes ( meaning the bodies), and so intermittently as they will like, fascinating things ...

It is important to know we all are filled with quantum physics, bosons upon bosons, upon bosons, who knows what else. Somehow a similarity to the fastest future AI brains, and afterwards yet new levels of development enabling us to do wonders as for example teleportation ( what you have certainly seen in the science fiction films ). From teleportation there will be already some small steps to enabling ourselves to stay out of our bodies ( read our human clothes ). And once again to your question, normally no problem because any time you would wish to be back in your body you would have it. On the quantum level, nothing is impossible. This first version you have mentioned might be a dangerous one, and the guy with his consciousness permanently in the AI robot might be ... a monster. But the far future might allow humanity to do it in a natural way, and ... with this entering some other universes. 

If able to transform into the consciousness and able to cross from universes to universes it would be fascinating to be able to ' live' much longer. Actually, once in the consciousness state there is no time and no space or perhaps they are but they are not really the obstacles. The consciousness state might be something like our thoughts, right now on Earth and next time on the outskirts of the Universe or in other universes, the whole multiverse would be so visible like London you are walking in the morning ...

SONGSOPTOK: Now if we try to understand tradition and modernism in literature, do you think poetry can play a pivotal role relating the two? If so, how? What are your opinions about the role of the poet in bridging the gap, if any, between tradition and modernism?

THADDEUS: The role of the poet is very important, not less than of the media and social platforms. A poet is usually a creative person, always trying to bring something new and exposing it to others. The responsibility of the poet is thus crucial in many aspects, especially in societies that are still learning how to react to the challenges of the present world. To those trying to impose the so called perfect world, or searching for it, my thoughts below, but firstly, there is no, and cannot be, the so called ‘perfect world’, if one thinks only about a particular group of people with rejecting other groups of people, or even with rejecting particular people for who they are and in what social environments they live. A perfect world is and should be the right for imperfection and everything what is different to exist and enjoy fruits of freedoms. All those who are in search for a perfect world should bear it in mind, especially politicians, religious leaders, clerics, so called purity thinkers and whatever dogmatists/ideologists. No freedoms no perfect world, paradoxically, but a rude order, depravity and tyranny. The unwritten law is that majorities and minorities must coexist, or at least learn to coexist. Only then there is a chance for a so called perfect world that can never, however, fully be realized for obvious reasons. Choose then for freedoms, tripartite separation of powers and a leading role of the individual to approach a high degree of self fulfillment and self determination on the scale towards the so called perfect world. The unwritten law is: minorities + majorities = the whole apple. You remove one of the ingredients and you have a rotten apple. The tragedy is rightists, among them Muslim scholars and ideology itself think there can be no place for LGBT and thus there are the hangings of the individuals in Iran just for who they are and throwing them to death from rooftops in the so called Islamic state the ISIS as well as in some Muslim states as for example in Iraq. The Wrath of God is understandably next, it always happens sooner or later, and ... the affected side are those who persecuted and prosecuted minorities, and disregarded their rights, worse even, denied them any rights and even murdered them. What is actually happening in the Middle East is mostly the result of dogmatic Islamism that rejected minorities and denied them their rightful place in the societies, the boomerang made its work and Muslims should bear it in mind. We all need to yearn towards the principles of the moral multiverse. Every individual should have the right to live the way he is and thinks, and nobody, not any system should deny it to him. I personally support everything what is bringing us all closer to the Global Village.

SONGSOPTOK: Do you think that society is the key factor in shaping you up as a writer. What about your own country? What is the influence of your country & your culture in your writing? Do you believe that all writers are by and large the product of their nationality?  Is it an incentive or an obstacle for becoming a truly international writer?

THADDEUS: I personally consider myself an international writer supporting the Global Village as already outlined above, due to my life experiences and living in many countries abroad that became my own countries later on, gifting me with a citizenship. From my own experience  most writers are shaped by their own countries and expressing the views that are common in their countries. I personally have evolved above it. Not that I do not accept the points of views of nationalist writers, that’s their business. I personally am a strong supporter of the Global Village and wishing the further developments make it more and more real. Our planet is not that large as some may think. Actually it is a very small celestial body  that is mistreated in ruthless way by the humanity, its resources destroyed, biodiversity destroyed, lands and seas polluted, humans causing the climate change in a rapid way. As Stephen Hawking said , the humanity have yet 1000 to 10000 maximum years to find another planet to move onto because by that time our earth will no longer be habitable. I am not as much pessimistic about it, with the future technologies, AI developments and AI resources in our own minds and bodies as well as powerful technologies we can transform our Earth back into a habitable jewel of the Universe, assuming we will go the right directions, the Global Village one of them, abandoning of supremacy by nationalistic states yet another condition, real freedoms of the individual and many other issues highlighted in  the literature.

SONGSOPTOK:  Do you believe creative souls flourish more in turmoil than in peace? Why? Are you a protagonist of "art for art's sake"? Can you please present us with your point of view?

THADDEUS: I personally think creative souls flourish in all situations, whether in turmoil or peace, or anything else. I am also supportive of all sorts of literary expressions and thus also a protagonist of “art for art’s sake”, why not.

SONGSOPTOK:  Do you think people in general actually bother about literature in general?  Do you think this consumerist world is turning the average man away from serious literature? And do you think poetry or literature can solve any problems in our everyday life? Why should we adhere to it?

THADDEUS: I think people still bother about literature but find less and less time for it. Therefore it is very important that literature and poetry in particular are present in all social media, the more that nowadays people use their smartphones and iPhones, and tablets to read various texts. Books have lost much to the social media. I have already expressed it above that literature can be a useful tool in explaining people the importance of the right political realities in their countries, the life and death importance of freedoms and democracy because if things get wrong, whether it is a dictatorship, or a religious theocracy as in Iran where LGBT are hanged in public, or even a dictatorship of majority where minorities are out of any political decision making process, there is a boomerang effect sooner or later, that turns against all, as for example what is actually happening in the Middle East.  So explaining it all to the ordinary citizen is a very important task for writers and poets.

SONGSOPTOK:  Are you a feminist? Can literature play any decisive role in feminism at all? What role can literature play to make our lives better on a day to day basis?

THADDEUS: I am not a feminist because I am a man, lol. But yes, I do support feminists, they must have the same rights as any minorities or any groups in a democratic society. Furthermore, women should have absolute equality in relation to men, both treated the same way by law and in their societies. Literature can portray the various realities in human lives, especially in women lives, expose the things that are wrong and point out to solutions that should be done, problems that should be resolved. Since we now are having not only books but also social media for our creative writings we are having even more influence than ever before. It is important to do it in brightest ways and I am sure there will always be lots of readers and followers.

SONGSOPTOK: Now if we want to look ahead, do you think that there is an oncoming crisis for literature in general? Will it bring new dimensions in our life ahead? Or do you think that the future of literature is not as bright as it should be?

THADDEUS: I do not think there is oncoming crisis for literature at all, on the contrary. Thanks to the social media, iPhones, TV we , as writers and poets, can even more. Our voice is heard, that I am sure of. I do not know whether it will bring new dimensions in our private lives because usually only some of us, the writers and poets, get the limelight and/or are becoming famous and most of us are still living in the grey reality, both in our real lives and in our literary reality. But I am confident that literature is bringing new dimensions  in our public life and in the life of our nations as well as the world. Perhaps we are bringing all our nations and societies closer to the ideal of Global Village where we all have chances to live in a decent way. I definitely think the future of literature is bright, it shall always be.

THADDEUS HUTYRA: My upbringing was rather tragic, having been born in a communist country, Poland.  Born in mountainous Rajcza, Poland. I spent my childhood and teenage years there studying and I also participated in the “Solidarity movement” against the communist regime.  Emigrating to New Zealand when Poland was still in the Soviet thaw I became a citizen within five years, living in the capital city Wellington, often called “Windy Wellington”.  Afterwards I travelled worldwide, I have been to amongst other places China, though I finally settled down in Belgium. The USA had always been my intended final destination after my departure from Poland. America, especially New York City with its Statue of Liberty still remain my dream. The freedoms cherished by America are an unstoppable trend that I am fully behind, wishing the same to all individuals across the world, freedom, human rights and love. In the meantime I am feeling quite comfortable living in the European Union, a great project of all Europeans which came true. So … all these life events I have experienced have certainly paved both my early and later routes in literature. I have written adventurous books in polish and quite a lot poems in English. I express my deep wish readers will enjoy reading my books. If it will be the case then I will be able to say ‘Mission Accomplished’, thank you.

We sincerely thank you for your time and hope we shall have your continued support.
Aparajita Sen



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