Okay I bought it
the winning lotto ticket
I can dream can't I
Something Worthwhile
If you want something
worthwhile you have to work hard
Sssh lotto numbers
Necessary Accessory
To be wealthy is like being a blonde
a lot more fun but not necessary
to have money I am a little fond
receipt for paid bills my accessory
Oh, on some days I would like to abscond
run away from responsibility
Ah, sail away to some far foreign pond
fleeing fast like a prison escapee
If I could grow my money like a frond
blessed relief from a lot of worry
present ruling government has me wronged
getting my frayed nerves all in a flurry
Someday I'm going to win the lotto
and go and get absolutely blotto
It’s my motto
if I win the lotto
to run and go
work a no show
May as well
dream here as in bed
thoughts of you
will be in my head
When I'm relaxing
on my ship
and having a wee nip
I'll think of those
not on the trip
But if it’s you and not me
Remember that I thought of thee