I waited for you
to draw near
my beauty was only
you asked me to
and I could not
not as I ought
I knew I would
unhappiness and I
have turned away
from you
because to bring
you pain
sears my soul , I
am not whole
but I am a hole ,
without you
I am to broken to
what you give , it
through me like a
I cannot hold it
I have lost it and
it is gone
So I carry on
would that I could
have stayed
unafraid , that my
could harm you ,
to my alarm
and I slipped by
you at last
I am your past
I recite your name
in the whispers of the wind
for bonded to my
heart are you until the end
I lifted the
chalice drank deeply of its wine
I felt of its
effects the fullness of divine
Like the chords of
piano and dulcimers delight
your melodies do
waft through every thought
at night
a master plays the
chords a violin with strings
plays my heart
like a harp whose music on it
Your fingers play
me like the stroke of piano keys
every touch I
enjoy your heart it aims to
you are a
symphony whose chords have touched
my heart
a birth cries
transmission of transformation
every part
Songs like an
aria may yet I learn to
whose vocals
resonate the inmost of my being
You left no line
untouched no strand is mine alone
made sure you did
I knew would make you me your
Somewhere I lost
myself I gave it all to you
things I don’t
understand reasons appear askew
I inhale you my
breathe to deepest parts within
need you to
embrace me as close as your own
We retire
together speak ‘neath the baleful
of every trial in
life and those who live in lies
greet me in the
morning curl around me at night
sing to me of love
songs of futures very bright
The wedding of my
heart tears away my mind
I want to
forever hold you for all of time
Are not your words
a bath that removes the worlds
a balm of
medicine to heal the deepest hurt
Its surpassing
sweetness a palate of good taste
love so intoxicating no drop will go to waste
the adversary’s
here and tramples the flowers
but you oh my
beloved too freely roam my hours
My life is but a
breath an instrument of song
music tells the
stories of lives and right and
The scent of
yesterdays the pathways of the past
forward now the
future into the ever last
Proverbs 16
24 Gracious words
are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul
and healing to the bones.
How I wish to
drink the wine of joy with you
feel the brush of
fingertips upon my cheek
to spread a picnic
feast within the wilderness
what lies within
my heart to plainly speak
But raised was I
upon a planets prison
and to will of
others made was I a slave
with eyes cast to
the floor and verbal beating
the road to fear
of man did abuse pave
I want to run
barefoot on green grass carpets
and prowl the mountain ranges like a
wing my way upon the trails ridges
and know no
violence will me to attack
Twelve times faced
I death and yet I'm living
I've escaped
intent and accidents of chance
like those who
consider all unforeseen
that the unwary
can be caught by
I've made my way
this far only by reason
four reasons gave the choice for me to live
I've had no time
to consider my
nor thought about
a need for love did give
I've given vent to
mans neglect and violence
for no different
do I find inself my own
when I look at the
reflection in the mirror
no change to our
past can we atone
All those who
consider justice and affliction
the pathways of
thought and all her tracks
many millennia's
of history have we written
the investigation
of the goodness mankind lacks
The ever present
war within our nature
affected by our
fight or flight of reason
the stake to
posterity is high and
far to often we
are weak to logics treason
For all have
fallen down before true glory
not a single one
hasn't failed his own
for everyone has
placed for himself standards
and in his own
failures is he caught
For in Justice ,
Love and Wisdom there is Power
in the cosmos is
ordered laws that we can see
but not one single
human who is existing
can keep the
perfection of Love flawlessly
So occasionally I
will have to ask for your
and hope you love
enough to set me free
for even if I
think I might know better
I have found in
all of us this frailty
I want to tell you
I am stronger when you are
near me
I have found in
you something that in myself I lack
I never knew
that getting any closer
would provide the
desire to return back
Romans 7:7-25