

SongSoptok | 3/15/2016 |


Only a single life to go
Wait for a moment wait for a while
Then you go !

You always run
Sometime get slow !

Sometime make her face to glow
Sometime feel the wind that blows
Sometime listen the whisper
Of her lips that you never know !

Enough you run
Enough you achieve
For some time for some moment
Please lie low !


A stalwart a sublime person U R
My pen unable to express
What a person. you are my father !

In childhood I lost my mother
She left us all alone
Nobody was there !

You just hold our hand forever
And your hand was bold enough
Never u placed anyone
Where you instate my mother !

You are a symbol of sacrifice
O my father !
A woman's heart a boldness of man
A blessing of society you U R!

If every daughter is a flower
A blessed gardener U R!

My words are insufficient for you
How can I express how indebted
I am to you !

Forgive me O my life
If I tell my father
Is next to God !


Far from the city's clatter and clamour
Away from the face of fame and glamour
Restless mind wants to stay for a while or forever !

A secluded place
Surrounded by a garden or lake
Want to sing a melody of life
Away from the lier and fake !

Chased by the beauty of nature
Where solitude always ready to nurture
I ran towards the remote village
Far from city's uncountable milage !

Running over the grass
Smile with the bloomed flowers
Spending hours with the solubility thought
About to regain the energy I lost !

Suddenly the door bell ding dong
Ah ! I forgot to switch  the cell  on !

It was a day dream transitory
And an imagination of tranquility
Impact of Silence hopefully !

(C) Sumana Bhattacharjee


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