

SONGSOPTOK: Let us forget for a moment the UN definition of ‘humanitarianism’. What is your personal definition? In what context would you apply the word?
DENNIS:   To help those in need

SONGSOPTOK: What, according to you, are the specific types of events that call for humanitarian actions?
DENNIS:   Wars are the main reason people suffer.   And all natural disasters should be considered

SONGSOPTOK:  Why, in your opinion, do countries and societies even need humanitarian actions, often initiated and coordinated by the so called first world economies?
DENNIS:    Above and beyond all natural disasters war causes more suffering to humanity than anything

SONGSOPTOK: Can individuals play a significant role in initiating or participating in humanitarian actions? In what way?
DENNIS:   In giving funds and time to help those in need

SONGSOPTOK:  What should be the role of the world community, especially organizations like the UN, to encourage humanitarian actions in different countries, especially those suffering from internal war or external aggression? Do you think that their efforts are sufficient? If not, what else should be done to help the countries / societies / populations in need?
 DENNIS:  I am not informed enough on these matters to give an opinion.  Although if all the young men of the world would put down their arms and refuse to fight there would be less suffering for all

SONGSOPTOK: What should ideally be the role of the governments in humanitarian actions – both in afflicted countries and in the other countries of the world? Are government activities sufficient in this context?
DENNIS: We can never do enough

SONGSOPTOK In your opinion, do religious institutions play an important role in humanitarian actions? In your own experience, what kind of actions have you witnessed that have been pioneered by religious institutions?
DENNIS:  I know many of them are good  and give much in time and funding.

SONGSOPTOK:  Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) are often in the forefront of humanitarian actions and yet there have been widespread criticism about the efficacy and utility of NGOs in different countries, especially in Asia & Africa. What is your own experience? Should NGOs be given more power and independence where humanitarian actions are concerned?
DENNIS:  I know nothing of this except that it often takes too much time and red tape for the goods to get to the suffers.  And often many people begin to get rich off of the funding and it is unthinkable that the money should get into the wrong hands, but it happens

SONGSOPTOK:  What should be the aim of humanitarian actions in afflicted countries – short term relief or long term actions that would help societies build up their own strengths and resources? Please share your knowledge or experience about long term actions undertaken anywhere in the world.
DENNIS:  I have no knowledge or experience in this area

SONGSOPTOK: It is often seen that the strongest help and support comes from within the communities affected by conflicts or natural disasters. How, in your opinion, can communities be empowered to successfully face such situations? What, in this context, could be the role of formal or informal grassroots organizations?
 DENNIS:  Sorry but I can’t answer this question because of my lack of knowledge and understanding of it.

SONGSOPTOK: Women and children are most vulnerable in situations of conflicts or disasters. What, according to you, are the specific actions that need to be taken to ensure the safety and security of women and children?
DENNIS:  Women and children should never  have to suffer the pangs of war.  They should somehow be made immune to the brutality on man’s desire to kill.  And those who are responsible for their suffering should be made accountable

SONGSOPTOK: How do you, as an individual, practice humanitarianism? Is it an important part of your value system & mental make-up? Please share your thoughts and experiences with us.
 DENNIS:  I do what I can to help those in need in my area of life and where I live.  There are many homeless people and I do what I can with my small income.



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