

SongSoptok | 9/15/2015 |

A Moment

A moment, a miniature...
As misty as mirages,
As elusive as snowflakes...
As delightsome as kisses
As passing as bird pen,
Seemingly trivial and banal concept,
In reality unrepeatable
And only one of a kind,
A moment, a short miniature of the time,
But how influential and tender, sometimes...?
When a spark of life depends on a moment
And only one second is needed-
To see a miracle or-
A candle that goes off
In one single drop of the time...

Autumnal Haiku

fading days fall down
from the autumnal haiku
drop by drop by leaf...

The Most Pulsating Verse

With the power of winds
On unwritten nights
And undone days,
I feel as if your poems...
Have fell into short pieces...
Of weeping metaphors
And smells of the Unknown,
In order to send me round the bend
And do show me a huge limbo-
Your heart, the most pulsating verse...

Anna Zapalska


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