

Kinga Fabó book review


This is a bi-lingual, Indonisian- English publication and I firstly applaud the achievement, challenge and hard work involved in translation of poetry. Kinga’s poems exude originality. The first poem ‘Isadora Duncan Dancing’ sets the precedent, bringing energy and sensuality by means of visually powerful and harmonious imagery.“Like sculpture at first. Then, as if the sun rose in her, long gesture”  It is as if Kinga takes you by the hand and dances through many facets, revealing not only passion, beauty and grace but also encompassing raw and honest experiences.Her poem reminds me of the theatrical in ‘Among Dusty Stage Props’ and expresses sensitivity and is intuitive, reflecting upon universal pain that usually tends to remain buried in life’s crevices. She conveys a deep yearning In ‘Not Because It’s Chic’ “I exist only in roles. I want colors! Colors!”  and cleverly weaves philosophy into both the imagined and real “a Salingerish Zen koan came to mind / this /Which way do the sunflowers turn in the night /” quote from the poem ‘Snowqueensnowking' Kinga has a vivid and evocative use of language and paints her words with colour and metaphor.  “The song painted on the wall falls down.” In Half Circles and “Open, the sea appeared asleep. Carrying its waves. A pulse under the muted winter scene. Throwing a smile on the beach.” A poetry book that delves deeply into the emotions of desire, triumphs and fragility, words that  stimulate the senses, each hand sewn with a poetic thread, one that resembles a tapestry of light and shade. A book that enriches the soul, a thoroughly enjoyable and meaningful read.

 (Kinga Fabó RACUN/POISON, bilingual (Indonesian-English) poetry book, Teras Budaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2015.)

Kinga Fabó is a widely published, internationally known Hungarian poet (linguist, essayist). One of her poems („The Ears”) has among others six different Indonesian translations by six different authors and of course it has an English, an Albanian, a Bulgarian, an Italian, a Serbian version as well. Her latest, bilingual (Indonesian-English) poetry book  RACUN/POISON has just come out in Jakarta. Further translations of her poetry into other foreign languages are being in progress. She has an essay on Sylvia Plath as well. Fabó lives in Budapest, Hungary.


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