Sun’s ash
On the other side of me
One day I found me
I was caressed by the sun
bath by the waters of light
laughing like crazy in my face
On the other side of me
a shadow was crying
dripping itself into the asphalt
then the comedy stops
burnt all around
my skin is shouting its pain
in red colors
On the other side of me only
I found out
Sun is on the other side of me
Sun is my interior also
Outside my flesh
Inside my flesh
Sun's ash.
Cholera ballads
hear, hear, world of mine
new rules in town
kisses are forbidden on the shrine...
new rules in town
The announcer walk through the medieval town crying the news, the new rule was
a desperate attempt to minimize the numbers of victims made by the new disease
called cholera
hear, hear world of mine
new rules in town
kisses are forbidden on the shrine...
new rules in town
All over, people looked like ghosts, their eyes were empty, dry, no tears left,
the skin was yellowish with brown shades, even the lips had vanished...what
with to kiss the shrine? who had time for God when death was feasting on
their corpses?!
hear, hear, death is near
come to sip your eyes, my dear...
there, there rest your body
hurry to become nobody
Smoke, suffocating and choking, floating, penetrating lungs...they got used to
it...At first, fear and nausea overwhelmed them, when they found out that the
smoke was from the burning corpses as there was no place in the cemetery to
ground them, then nobody minded, people get used with everything!
hear, hear, death is near
come to sip your eyes, my dear
there, there rest your body
hurry to become nobody
This was the song kids cried out while jumping through the corpses on their way
to church, where of course no one would kiss the shrine due to the new rule in
A prelude to death
So the pain is my friend now
Deep in my flesh it bites every cell
Screams are muted now....only lugubrious moans are leaving my lips
Sleep is only a prelude to death
So light is burning my eyes
Any sound splits my brain
getting choked with my own inside liquids
I howl into the vast horizon of my darkness:
Just give me one more day
as if that would be enough ...
as if that would bring death to my cancerous mucus
as if that would heal all the pus
as if that would be enough for one more miracle in my life
Just give me one more day
I prayed ....
Now, right now
Just give me one instant death.