Whether it's Black, White, Yellow, Brown, or Red
We are all of same color, when we bled
For our human blood is all the same
Where from is this discrimination claim?
Some foreigners, on natives, they look down
Worst are of same race, who bow in shame
They treat own kind with disgusted frown
Unreasonably, their own people blame
Skin color, why to others it matters?
We are all the same, brothers and sisters
There is no reason at all to feel shame
Such kind of thinking's fallacious and lame!
Whatever one can do, we surely can
If we are given the same kind of chance
Man's equality, never should one ban
Opportunities for all do enhance
Racial freedom, has been written by law
Yet minds continue in their absurd flaw
Make bigotry in arrogant's heart thaw
Charity and compassion for all flow
Racially prejudiced is one insecure
He steps on others, to lift himself up
False panacea for one's self-pride cure
A deadly poison, drank from false pride cup
Lift our heads up, prove inherent charm
Throw down your whips, there's no need for alarm
All colors as one, let's link arm to arm
Xenophobia is from the Devil's farm.
Whether it's Black, White, Yellow, Brown, or Red
We are all of same color, when we bled
For our human blood is all the same
Where from is this discrimination claim?
Some foreigners, on natives, they look down
Worst are of same race, who bow in shame
They treat own kind with disgusted frown
Unreasonably, their own people blame
Skin color, why to others it matters?
We are all the same, brothers and sisters
There is no reason at all to feel shame
Such kind of thinking's fallacious and lame!
Whatever one can do, we surely can
If we are given the same kind of chance
Man's equality, never should one ban
Opportunities for all do enhance
Racial freedom, has been written by law
Yet minds continue in their absurd flaw
Make bigotry in arrogant's heart thaw
Charity and compassion for all flow
Racially prejudiced is one insecure
He steps on others, to lift himself up
False panacea for one's self-pride cure
A deadly poison, drank from false pride cup
Lift our heads up, prove inherent charm
Throw down your whips, there's no need for alarm
All colors as one, let's link arm to arm
Xenophobia is from the Devil's farm.
Show not to my soul, rainbow full of colors
Show not to my soul, fairies, pixies and unicorns
The sand castles, swings and boats that a child adores
The cotton candies, cakes, ice creams and popping corns
Show not to my heart, beauty of heavenly sky
The brightness of moon, countless stars, and fiery sun
Show not to my heart, mighty eagle flying high
Nor the thick green forest, where the buck and doe run
Show not to my eyes, the flowers and butterflies
Sturdy fruit trees and dainty clinging vine
Sweet flowing nectar from hive as honey bee flies
Show not to my eyes, how nature is so divine
Show not to my spirit, angels guarding from above
Show not to my spirit, that truly God is Love
In every
written creation
With one's mind and heart
as inspiration
A mirror of Life,
it's true reflection
One that goes beyond
In every poem lines,
poets have written
Festered infection
from wounds, be ridden
And the healing scars
sharp words, slit open
Soaked deep painfully
in salty ocean
That in every poem
that readers have read
Opening man's mind
enlightenment lead
Expose the rotten,
change mindsets we dread
Hope to motherland,
new future we fed
What thoughts, poem adorn?
What desired seeds sown?
Just those that hearts mourn?
Or from life, words born?
written creation
With one's mind and heart
as inspiration
A mirror of Life,
it's true reflection
One that goes beyond
In every poem lines,
poets have written
Festered infection
from wounds, be ridden
And the healing scars
sharp words, slit open
Soaked deep painfully
in salty ocean
That in every poem
that readers have read
Opening man's mind
enlightenment lead
Expose the rotten,
change mindsets we dread
Hope to motherland,
new future we fed
What thoughts, poem adorn?
What desired seeds sown?
Just those that hearts mourn?
Or from life, words born?